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Customer SAVE
REAL Services' technically sophisticated clients included public utilities that are primarily engaged in the pumping and transportation of Fresh Water Resources for the consumption and utilization by the general public

These public utilities', fresh water resource facilities' and pumping stations' maintenance plan include Ferrography and Oil Analysis; provided by REAL Services along with our exclusive SAVE REPORT that provides Return On Investment and Cost Justification of your PM Program.

Fresh Water Resource - Pump

Case Study # 433

DA5018 Pump; 14,786 is higher than expected for this type of equipment; this FIRST time sample was rated CRITICAL in November 2006.

Recommendation: Consider scheduling this equipment for maintenance action in the near future. Specifically, to correct abnormal bearing wear mode in progress and correct possible alignment problem. These problems may have cause secondary damage to the shaft and related over heating.


Analytical results show the presence of 40 micrometer (um) High Carbon (~12%) steel Severe Sliding wear and 250um Case Hardened Steel Cutting/Plowing wear.  The Cutting/Plowing wear particles are thin shavings, indicating a two-(2) body wear contact and an alignment problem.  Note that this mage was taken AFTER heat treatment.




Analysis also shows the presence of 40um Copper Alloy (including Brass & Bronze) Rolling Contact (Bearing) wear particles. The size, concentration and severity of the Cutting/Plowing wear particles indicate there is now an alignment problem and possibly secondary shaft damage. Analysis also shows the presence of high than expected concentration of Black Metal Oxides (Fe3O4). Black Metal Oxides form as the result of heat due to friction from improper or inadequate lubrication during the formation of these particles resulting from this abnormal wear mode.


Inspection  of DA5018 Pump; severe wear to copper alloy components visible.  Pump was scheduled for removal from service with sufficient time to the to bring backup equipment on line.

Secondary Damage, Property Damage was minimized. Service Interruption & Downtime was minimized. Maintenance scheduled and performed during holiday weekend slow period.

Optimized equipment performance and savings for the utility, customers and investors.


Original Component Savings:                                           0
Secondary Damage Savings:                                           0
Down Time Min./Production hrs. Savings:                       0
Business Interruption:                                                         0
RUSH Shipping Cost Savings:                                         0
Parts & Inventory Warehouse Savings:                            0
Overtime Repair Savings:                                                  0    
                                Total SAVINGS:    $ Not Released


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