Analytical Almanac


Click the word to view a definition:

naphthenic - see naphthene
narrow cut - see distillation test
National Formulary - see NF
National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA)
natural gas
natural gas liquids
natural gasoline
natural rubber
naturally aspirated engine
NBR - see nitrile rubber
neoprene rubber (CR)
neutralization number
Newtonian fluid

Newton's Laws of Motion

Newton's Laws of Gravitation

NF (National Formulary)
Niemann four-square oil test - see FZG four-square gear oil test
nitration grade
nitrile rubber (NBR)
nitrogen blanket - see gas blanket
NLGI Automotive Grease Classifications
NLGI (National Lubricationing Grease Institute)
NLGI consistency grades
NMMA (National Marine Manufacturers Association)
non-Newtonian fluid
non-soap thickner - see grease
non-volatiles - see solids content

normal force

normal paraffin


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