is the standardized range of colors against which the
colors of petroleum products may be
compared. There are a number of widely used systems of color scales,
including: ASTM scale (test method
ASTM-D-1500), the most common scale, used extensively for industrial and
process oils; Tag-Robinson colorimeter,
used with solvents, waxes,
industrial and process oils; Saybolt
chromometer (ASTM-D-156), used with
white oils, naphthas,
waxes, fuels, kerosene, solvents; Lovibond
tintometer, for USP petrolatums,
sulfonates, chemicals; and the
Platinum-Cobalt (APHA) system (ASTM-D-1209),
for lacquer solvents, diluents,
petrochemicals. These scales serve
primarily as indicators of product uniformity and freedom from