Common abbreviations n. Rotational velocity. (Measured, for example, in r.p.m.) ω Angular velocity. (Radians per unit time.) (1 r.p.m. = π/30 radians per second.) N. Number of teeth. Addendum (a) Angle of action Arc of action Axis Backlash Base circle Base pitch (pb), also called normal pitch Circular pitch (p) Clearance Dedendum (b) Diametral pitch (Pd) Helical Gears: Helix angle (ψ) Normal circular pitch (pn) Transverse circular pitch (p) Interchangeable set Interference Line of action, also called Pressure line normal pitch (pb), also called Base pitch Outside diameter (Do) Path of contact Pitch circle, also called Pitch line Pitch diameter (D) Pitch point (p) Pitch surface Pressure angle (ø) Root diameter Tooth Profile Whole depth Working depth Worm gears: Lead Linear pitch (p) Lead angle (λ) Pitch diameter (Dw)
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